Tempsure Envi Treatment in Houston, TX

TempSure Envi

TempSure Envi for Dry Eye

TempSure Envi is a radiofrequency treatment that reduces the symptoms of chronic dry eye and tightens the skin around your eyes. TempSure Envi delivers energy to the oil and tear glands around your eyes, boosting your body’s own natural healing responses deep beneath the skin, so you will be able to create more of your own tears and restore your optimal eye surface to reduce irritation. This energy also stimulates collagen production, leaving you with tighter, younger-looking skin!

TempSure Envi

How does TempSure Envi work?

How does
TempSure Envi work?

Untreated Patients' Skin | Skin Tightening & Cellulite Reduction
Patients' Skin

TempSure Envi targets facial fine lines and wrinkles.

Collagen Synthesis Begins | Skin Tightening & Cellulite Reduction
Synthesis Begins

Increasing the skin’s temperature for a defined, therapeutic time will trigger a natural response for your skin to create new collagen.

Collagen Remodeling Occurs | Skin Tightening & Cellulite Reduction
Remodeling Occurs

The new collagen fibers are tight, dense, and neatly organized; giving you tighter, younger-looking skin.

TempSure Envi

What to Expect

Using safe, powerful, and highly effective radiofrequency energy, our treatment gently delivers a therapeutic level of heat to the delicate tissue surrounding the eye. This heat signals your body to reboot its natural healing processes, which in turn helps to boost collagen to tighten the skin around the eyes, reducing fine lines, wrinkles, drooping eyelids, under-eye bags, and providing relief from your dry eye symptoms.

TempSure Envi

Frequently Asked Questions

Asked Questions

TempSure Envi has been carefully designed with comfort in mind to provide you with a comfortable and effective treatment every time! 99% of patients described the treatment as comfortable.

Treatments last about 30-60 minutes, depending on the area being treated. There is absolutely no downtime, allowing you to return to your normal activities immediately.

Instantly! You will leave with a natural glow and what patients describe as a “tighter” feeling. The best part is, collagen will continue to rebuild over time, enhancing your skin’s appearance.

TempSure Envi is right for everyone! Treatments are extremely safe and can be performed on all skin types. Unlike other technologies, treatments can be performed all year round.

TempSure Envi is a simple solution for beautiful skin. It provides a soothing patient experience, while delivering beautiful results. Each treatment delivers consistent heat, giving you an effective, yet comfortable treatment every time.

A series of treatments are always recommended, but every patient is different. The optimal number of treatments can vary, so please work with your provider to develop a plan that is right for you!

TempSure Envi

Before & After Treatment

Before & After

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